Veterans’ Hospital to Housing (Respite Care)

Intent: To address both the housing and recuperative care needs of Veterans who have been hospitalized. This model is also referred to as respite care.
Target population:
A Hospital to Housing placement is appropriate for a Veteran who has been evaluated in an emergency department or inpatient health care setting and determined suitable for direct transfer into the program and chooses that placement above other appropriate options. The Veteran must be able to perform activities of daily living independently and must have a post-discharge plan coordinating care with the medical center. Fresh Start offers this service in Philadelphia and Coatesville.

Veterans’ Service Intensive Transitional Housing

Intent: To provide time-limited housing along with a range of services to facilitate moving into permanent housing as quickly as appropriate.
Target population:
This model is appropriate for Veterans who choose a Service-Intensive Transitional Program over a permanent housing option or alternative program. Services include, helping the Veteran find ways to increase income and/or benefits and obtaining permanent housing. Services, as well as lengths of stay, are on an individual basis, rather than program driven. Fresh Start offers this service in Philadelphia and Coatesville.

Veterans’ Bridge Housing

Intent: To provide a short-term stay (i.e., target less than 90 days) in transitional housing for a Veteran with permanent housing already identified after discharge.
Target population:
Bridge Housing is appropriate for a Veteran who has accepted a permanent housing intervention but is not able to immediately move into a permanent unit, and who chooses to stay in Bridge Housing in the interim. To be eligible for Bridge Housing, the Veteran must have been offered and accepted permanent housing either prior to admission or within the first 14 days of admission. While the stay is expected to be less than 90 days, the length will vary depending on local housing markets and unit availability. Fresh Start offers this program in Coatesville.

Veterans’ Low Demand Safe Haven (Harm Reduction Housing)

Intent: To offer transitional housing that has low demands on Veterans and is operated with a harm reduction philosophy. In Low Demand GPD, the emphasis is on the engagement of the Veteran within a safe environment. Sobriety, nor compliance with mental health treatment, is not required in Low Demand placement.
Target population:
Low Demand GPD is appropriate for a Veteran who does not choose another alternative, such as a permanent housing program (e.g., rapid rehousing), clinical treatment or a service intensive program. The population might include those who have experienced long-term homelessness, those who do not need or have not committed to treatment, and others who simply prefer a low demand environment. Fresh Start offers this program in Philadelphia.

Veterans’ Emergency Residential Services

These Fresh Start programs target and prioritize homeless Veterans transitioning from homelessness, Veterans being discharged from institutions, including those in need of medical respite, and Veterans who recently became homeless and require safe and stable living arrangements while they seek permanent housing. Lengths of stay typically range from 30 to 90 days with the option to extend based on clinical need. Fresh Start offers this service in Philadelphia and Coatesville.

Transitional Housing for Veterans with Serious Mental Illness (VA HCHV Contracted Residential Services)

Fresh Start’s transitional housing for Veterans with serious mental illness (SMI) program is a partnership with the Coatesville VA Medical Center (CVAMC). Residents receive care management and 1:1 treatment for SMI while learning skills for independent living. Many services are integrated on the unit, and the length of stay is a maximum of six months. Fresh Start offers this service in Coatesville.

Outcomes for VA Funded "Grant and Per Diem" Housing Programs (October 1, 2019 - March 31, 2020)

Outcomes for VA Funded "Grant and Per Diem" Housing Programs (October 1, 2019 - March 31, 2020)Click to enlarge