
Clinical Consultation Services partner with people to assist them to become self-sufficient, gain a healthy interdependence with the community, and learn to live everyday lives. Adults with IDD often experience discrimination when it comes to accessing quality behavioral health services. A significant component of services offered is the identification of the needs and concerns of those with co-occurring mental illness. A multiple comprehensive case review process by experts in the areas of IDD, autism, behavioral health disorders, trauma and behavioral support services is completed to enhance the lives of individuals and reduce the need for psychiatric hospitalization or the use of restrictive procedures. This process is particularly effective in helping families and /or interdisciplinary team members further understand the complexities of the individuals with whom they respect and serve. Assessments and therapeutic services that address these complex needs are offered.

Sexual Knowledge and Consent

Along with behavioral health concerns, some adults with IDD have limited sexual knowledge, and an increased risk of making social errors and engaging in problematic sexual behaviors and/or sexual offenses. The following are offered to address basic human needs of sexual knowledge and consent and identifying gaps within that knowledge.

  • Socio-Sexual Knowledge and Attitudes Assessment Tool – Revised (SSKAAT-R) - by Griffiths and Lunsky. This tool measures Social-Sexual Knowledge and attitudes assessed in anatomy, men’s and women’s bodies, intimacy, birth control, sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy, child rearing and healthy boundaries.
  • Verbal Informed Sexual Consent Assessment Tool –(VISCAT) – by William Taverner. This tool addresses the person’s ability to demonstrate the principles of consent to sexual relationships.

Risk Assessment and Planning for People who Sexually Offend

Adults with IDD can be sanctioned for illegal sexual behaviors. This history of offenses or convictions pose a risk to both the community and the individual. The following tools assess risk of the individual across environments and identify protective factors for recovery and stability.

  • ARMIDILO-S by James Haaven. This risk screening provides the interdisciplinary team (including family) with current information about where and why the individual might be at risk to engage in problematic, illegal or sexual offending behavior and recommends the management strategies needed to provide safety for the individual and community.
  • Risk Management Plan is developed from the risk and protective factors identified by the Risk Screening assessment. The needed risk management strategies and protocols are then assembled onto a Risk Management Plan to assist support professionals and families in keeping both the individual and the community safe.

Multimodal Assessment and Consultation Services

  • Clinical Case Consultation: In response to challenging behavior, psychiatric hospitalization, excessive use of restraints or difficult psychiatric presentation, a Merakey team of clinical experts review records and identifies best practices to inform solution focused written recommendations. Follow up meetings are scheduled as needed.
  • Grand Rounds: A comprehensive review of the life events help family and supports appreciate the complexity of the individual. Through a structured brainstorming session with team members invited by the person being reviewed, this process yields a multimodal assessment and clinically informed recommendations for improved quality of life.
  • Biographical Timelines: A facilitated process through which a team of people, having researched the events and interventions in a person’s life, layout those facts in a linear fashion to correlate information in a meaningful manner.
  • Dementia Screening: The NTG-EDSD is a dementia screening tool useful for collective discussions and dementia care planning, involving families and care providers of adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
  • Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder (FASD) Screening: Identifies those with features, characteristic (psychological & biological markers) consistent with FASD. This assessment yields a report that provides proven strategies and interventions to address identified needs and findings. Staff training and plan development available.
  • Risk Assessment for Best Practices: To support the overall bio-psycho-social needs of people with IDD, physical disabilities and co-occurring mental illness, a checklist comprising of the most important components of the effective supports are identified. This listing identifies gaps in services, training and holistic practices. A report is generated for support professionals and family members with recommendations that include evidence-based and best practice guidance, resources, and strategies to support the person in their current and future environments.
  • Ask about our OT reviewed sensory screenings!

Education and Team Support

Clinical services include the following additional supports:

  • Behavior support services
  • Customized speaking engagements
  • Emergency Safety Intervention (ESI) - trauma informed protective strategies and techniques to maintain safety of all during dangerous crisis situations
  • Evidence-based /best practices clinical training
  • Mental Health First Aid Certification
  • Socio-sexual education for individuals and families
  • Training on working with people who sexually offend

Grief, loss, and trauma support services, training, or presentations are available for staff and individuals in need.

For more information and to discuss how we can help you with your clinical needs, please contact
Kimberly Katruska:
Robin Van Eerden: Robin.Vaneerden@merakey.org,
Tim Barksdale: Tim.Barksdale@merakey.org,
or call 717-304-3829.