Recently the Mobile Team from Merakey Parkside Recovery encountered a 90-year-old gentleman, named Jerome, living in his car. Jerome was disheveled, battered, and needed help. The team jumped on the case. This gentleman was a Korean War Veteran and retired Philadelphia Police Officer. Officer White, from the Philadelphia Police Department, immediately joined the team on the case to provide any service she could to assist.

Staff members Andres Rodriguez and Katelynn Soto got Jerome temporarily housed and exposed to cooler temperatures and provided him with fresh clothes and food. Renaildo (Rey) Inchautegui, Mary Kremer, and Katherine Young also from the Mobile Team, joined in the efforts to help. Every day, including weekends, members of the Mobile Team checked in with Jerome, taking him out for meals and spending quality time with him to ensure he was feeling ok.

Mary and Rey spent countless hours at the Veterans Administration, at doctors’ appointments, in welfare offices, and at the bank with Jerome to support his efforts towards maintaining activities of daily living. Andres and Kate made numerous calls to the Social Security Administration and other entities to ensure that Jerome is receiving every social benefit that he deserves, especially after he spent his life giving back to our country and the City of Philadelphia.

The Mobile Team has greatly enjoyed getting to know Jerome, hearing about his life, the multiple presidents that were in office, and his love of history. He is funny, vibrant, and full of life, and is a reminder that it takes a community to keep us all safe.

Today, Jerome is safe and secure, living in a rent-free apartment, thanks to the efforts of Impact Services in Philadelphia, while he waits for more permanent housing.

Many thanks go out to Officer White, Katelynn, Andres, Rey, and Katherine for all the work they put into helping Jerome. The team experienced lots of tears, challenges, and laughs, but most importantly, they displayed an incredible amount of passion and empathy.

Merakey is also grateful to Mobile Director Natasha Lundy and Executive Director Dave Malloy for their guidance and support, and to Kurt August, Director of the Office of Criminal Justice in Philadelphia, for his commitment to the services provided by the Mobile Team. While the work is not done, tonight, Jerome has a home.