The IDD program in the Capital Region celebrated the holidays with individuals and staff member from all area programs. Due to COVID-19 precautions, they modified their usual annual holiday party. Since they were not able to have an in-person party last year, the individuals were really excited to be able to do something together this past holiday season. A special day was held for the residents in their homes to gather in small groups to make reindeer and candy cane ornaments, receive gifts from Santa, enjoy Christmas cookies and “Grinch” punch, participate in an ugly sweater contest and listen to festive holiday music and a story. Special thanks to the staff from the Capital Region, from the Crums Mill Road Administrative Office, and the Merakey Foundation for their generous donations! Each group spent about 45 minutes together, with time in-between for staff to disinfect everything. The individuals and staff all enjoyed themselves and were glad to spend some time together for the holidays.

Celebrating the Holidays in the Capital Region