On a sunny December day in Pittsburgh, the Greater McKees Rocks 15136 Rotary Club visited four Merakey AVS homes. Many thanks to everyone for welcoming the Rotary and for providing great holiday gift ideas. We are grateful to the Merakey staff for helping with the visit and opening of gifts.
Thank you also to Rotary members Judi Connolly, John Desiderato, Bryan McCarthy, Ashley Strouse, Rox Vanguard and Merakey’s Amy Rocini for taking time to spread holiday cheer! The Rotarian’s visited and gave gifts to 32 people. Big thanks to everyone at the Rotary who made the holidays special for so many!
Santa Claus and Tony, his trusty elf, masked up and visited the homes in the Slippery Rock area of Merakey AVS to deliver packages to all the individuals. Santa was greeted with pure joy and excitement as he waved in windows, greeted people just outside the doorway, or had a quick, socially distanced outdoor visit. By the end of Santa’s whirlwind tour, everyone had caught the holiday spirit.
The Merakey AVS Pittsburgh Campus elves have been hard at work making this holiday season special for all. They had a parade, visits from Santa, baked cookies, made ornaments and more! The campus even made their own North Pole mailbox for letters to be sent to Santa!
Members of the Robinson Lions Club in Pittsburgh delivered gifts to individuals at Merakey AVS’ Stucco House. Special thanks to Club member Debbie O’Brien and House Manager Michelle Scarry for coordinating the holiday celebration!
“We love visiting with the Lions Club,” commented Michelle. “Everyone is so friendly.”
A big THANK YOU to the Crafton Ingram Rotary for dropping off presents at Patricia Hillman Miller Campus. The gifts were all handpicked from wish lists created by the individuals and staff. Jimmy, Milton, Courtney, and Ken attended the Rotary’s weekly meeting via Zoom so everyone could watch them open their gifts.
“We thank you for the compassion and love that you and your staff provide to your residents,” commented Crafton Ingram Rotary’s President-Elect Joe Orbovich. “It’s an honor to be able to work with you all.”
Patricia Hillman Miller Campus held its annual staff holiday social with dinner provided for each shift. Everyone had an opportunity to win a variety of gifts by participating in the raffle and snowball game. Many thanks to the Ault, Dolgos, Falcione, Kaplan, McDonagh, Miller, Murphy and Sedlacek families and for their generous donations.